P1, P2,,,Pn の条件の時に、Q1 or Q2 or... or Qm が成立しているかを確認する方法
P1,P2,,,Pn -> Q1 or Q2 or or Qm
P1&P2& &Pn -> Q1 or Q2 or or Qm
not(P1&P2& &Pn ) or ( Q1 or Q2 or or Qm) = true
(P1&P2& &Pn ) & not (Q1 or Q2 or or Qm) = false
P1&P2& &Pn & not(Q1) & not (Q2) & & not(Qm) = false
従て、P1,P2,,,Pn -> Q1 or Q2 or or Qm が正しいかどうかは P1&P2& &Pn & not(Q1) & not (Q2) & & not(Qm) = falseかどうかをチェック すればよい
I developed a multi-dimensional periodical algorithm like the Jacobi-Perron Algorithm(multi-dimensional continued fraction expansion) for any real algebraic number field of degree n (n >= 2).
Attached is the paper of that algorithm. I don't have channels to post this paper to magazines. So I put this paper(PDF file) and actual programs (zipped file) to my blog.
Abstract. The author presents a multi-dimensional periodical algorithm like the Jacobi-Perron Algorithm(multi-dimensional continued fraction expansion) for any real algebraic number eld of degree n(n >=2). The author inserts a lattice basis reduction process to that Jacobi-Perron algorithm and succeed to get periodicity. This paper shows the algorithm and the proof of its periodicity.
リモートデスクトップでMathematicaが立ち上がらなかった。下記のURLにあった解決策を実行したら立ち上がった。 Mathematica on Raspberry pi2 failed starting up under RDP condition. ( RDP disconnected and Mathematica didn’t run) Fortunately I found a solution at the following site. 'https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=94&t=131051
PARI/GP is a widely used computer algebra system designed for fast computations in number theory (factorizations, algebraic number theory, elliptic curves…), but also contains a large number of other useful functions to compute with mathema tical entities such as matrices, polynomials, power series, algebraic numbers etc., and a lot of transcendental functions. ( cited from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:PARI/GP)